
The OCRE Cloud framework agreement is a simple, secure, cost-effective solution compliant with public procurement rules. It provides access to a portfolio of IaaS cloud providers across Europe.

What is OCRE ?


Cloud-based services offer the European research community a host of powerful tools, but for many researchers they are out of reach, with tailored services difficult to find and choose.
OCRE addresses this issue by setting up framework agreements with cloud service providers that meet the specific research community requirements, thus avoiding this time-consuming and complex process for institutions.
So you get secure, cost-effective access to a portfolio of cloud providers, in accordance with public procurement rules.

Ainsi vous obtenez un accès sûr et économique à un portefeuille de fournisseurs de cloud, conforme aux règles des marchés publics.

The OCRE Cloud framework agreement is for 4 years. It is valid until 30 November 2024.

How does OCRE work?

RENATER responsibility:

RENATER, the French NREN, is an intermediary making the framework agreements available to the institutions connected to RENATER, and facilitating the understanding of accessible offers and access terms and conditions. RENATER is not involved in the provision of these services.

The responsibility of the institutions:

All institutions that want to access the OCRE service must be connected to the RENATER network.
There are three ways for institutions to select their cloud service provider:

For more information on this supplier selection, read the allocation guide at the end of this page.


Access many services using the framework agreement:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Blockchain
  • Databases
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Migration and data transfer
  • Networking and content delivery
  • Quantum technologies
  • Security, identity and compliance
  • Storage space
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • etc.

Each provider provides its own cloud management portal, giving you a centralised view of your accounts and helping you understand how cloud services are used in your institution. They also provide detailed dashboards featuring measurements, billing, analysis and reports.


Access these services

To simplify the purchasing process, OCRE has provided one supplier for each cloud platform per country. For France, this is the list of providers and available platforms:

Plateforme Fournisseurs Documentation
AWS Rackspace https://ocre.rackspace.com/
CloudFerro CloudFerro https://cloudferro.com/en/ocre/
CloudSigma CloudSigma https://www.cloudsigma.com/infrastructure-as-a-service-offer/
Exoscale VSHN https://www.vshn.ch/en/ocre/
GCP Sparkle https://www.cloud.tisparkle.com/
IBM AppXite https://www.appxite.com/ocre
Microsoft Azure SoftwareONE https://www.softwareone.com/en/industries/education
Open Telekom Cloud T-System https://open-telekom-cloud.com/en
Oracle SoftwareONE https://www.softwareone.com/en/industries/education
Orange Business Services Orange https://cloud.orange-business.com/en/ocre-flexible-engine/
Outscale Flowline Technologies https://france.scc.com/ocre
OVHcloud OVHcloud https://www.ovhcloud.com/fr/public-cloud/
Safespring Safespring https://www.safespring.com/en/ocre/
Setcor Setcor https://www.setcor.com/


The benefits

Save time:

The OCRE IaaS + request for proposals which concluded mid-2020, made it possible to preselect 13 commercial platforms for France (subject to change). Thus, institutions avoid the time-consuming and complex process of finding an EU-compliant supplier.

Streamline your budget:

Get volume discounts from the Cloud service providers selected in the framework agreement, demand is aggregated across Europe.

Rest assured:

OCRE fulfils contracts with care, offering peace of mind in terms of compliance and, where possible, better legal terms than you are likely to find by contacting suppliers independently. A standard offer template applies to all selected suppliers.
You can also rest assured that the processing and storage of data will comply with European and national regulations.


Do i qualify?

Members of the RENATER community can access the services provided by OCRE.


If you have any problems, please contact us at offre-ocre@listes.renater.fr

Download the award procedure

Award procedure

Download the OCRE guide

OCRE guide