GEANT project
The GEANT project is co-funded by the European NRENs and the European Union to upgrade network capabilities and pool services for the research education community in Europe.
Under the GEANT 2020 Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA), the project receives funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Since 1st May 2016 and until the end of December 2018, the project is in the GN4-2 phase.
RENATER takes part in work groups such as network monitoring, making it possible to take quality of service to a hitherto unattained level of requirements, and the Data Centre Interconnect work group.
The GEANT project is structured into three functional activity groups:
- Networking activities (NA) that support the operation and management of all GN4-2 activities, including project management, internal and external communication and promotion, international liaison and commercial development;
- Service Activities (SA) which provide GEANT project services to the research and education community;
- Joint Research Activities (JRAs) which aim at critical analyses of future network and application technologies for the future deployment of emerging technologies across the network and services.
Deliverables are available on the GEANT website:
Thanks to the combined strengths of Europe’s national research and education networking organisations (NRENs), the GEANT project and its associated programme of activities have been a key part of Europe’s e-infrastructure strategy for almost 20 years.
GEANT mobilises the expertise and experience of hundreds of professionals from amongst its staff, member organisations, institutions and the wider research and education network community. As a member organisation, RENATER therefore takes part in the TaskForces and work groups organised by GEANT, and contributes to sharing innovation and good practices. Many work groups, interest groups, workshops, conferences and other activities are open to anyone with the appropriate expertise, manpower, equipment or services.
For GN4 phase 3 (GN4-3), the new project iteration which started on 1st January 2019, 40 partners are joining forces in a common approach to advance network and service innovation state of the art.
BELLA project
The BELLA programme has a dedicated 100 Gbit/s link (in the form of an IRU) on Eulalink, the first high-speed undersea cable between Europe and Latin America.
This project, co-funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon 2020 initiative, was implemented by GEANT, the European research and education network consortium, and in particular the national networks (NRENs) of Spain – REDiris, Portugal – FCCN, France – RENATER, Germany – DFN, Italy – GARR, and the Latin American networks of RedCLARA Ecuador. – CEDIA, Colombia – RENATA, Chile – REUNA and Brazil – RNP
The objective of this programme is to connect South America to Europe for open science transatlantic needs and data sharing between European and Latin American researchers in the fields of astronomy, particle physics and earth observation such as, for example, the Copernicus project (European Earth Observation programme).
RENATER users will have this new connectivity between Europe and Latin America through the connection of the French network to GEANT.
RARE (Router for Academia, Research and Education)
RENATER participates in the work groups in the framework of GN4-3 WP6-T1/RARE
RARE (Router for Academia, Research and Education) is an innovating European Research Education Network (NREN) project, part of EU co-funded projects GN4-3 and GN4-3N, which are intended to provide all teachers and researchers across Europe efficient access to infrastructure and resources.
This project intends to create a router/platform that provides a versatile connectivity solution in terms of capacity from 1 Gbps to 100 Gbps which is easy to integrate by intermediate transit networks to connect schools, research and educational institutions, data centres to the NREN and the pan-European GEANT network.
The blog by Frédéric Loui :
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
EOSC, a new paradigm in the research world, will offer 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million science, technology, humanities and social science professionals a virtual environment with open and transparent services for the storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines, federating existing scientific data infrastructures currently dispersed between disciplines and EU Member States.
The infrastructure already in place:
- European Grid Infrastructure (EGI): Grid/cloud resource and related service portal
- EUDAT: Service and data resource e-infrastructure
- Openair: EU organisation to bridge the gap between how research is carried out and how knowledge is shared.
- RDA: Research Data alliance: builds social and technical gateways that facilitate free data sharing (over 7,500 members from 137 countries, RDA brings together researchers and scientific data professionals)
- Education and research networks in Europe: RENATER for France
RENATER renater focuses on the “network” part
Through the French project Pico2 for Connecting Computing Centres of EOSC Pilot, for the connectivity of meso-centres and scientific projects E-RIHS, HPC, DESY in Germany, …
Partners: CEA, CNRS (IDRIS, CC-IN2P3), INRA, INRIA, Meso-centre, ..