Institutions access the RENATER network using access networks. The French territory has widespread coverage from fifty or so access networks making it possible to provide the Education-Research community the best possible quality of service.

RENATER provides end-to-end quality of service by supporting the access network community, organising workshops on access network governance, economics and technical models.


The Parisian Academic Network (RAP) is the access network specific to the Paris research and education community. It connects over 125 sites at very high speed through 5 nodes and provides access to the RENATER backbone.

The network architecture is changing so that every institution has resilience through two links to two different points of presence (PoPs). RAP is therefore increasing its dark optical fibre capacity to a total of approximately 1,500 km.

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RUBIS is the collection network for research and higher education in the southern Ile-de-France, Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine and Val de Marne regions.

Since 1st January 2015, RUBIS operation and management is provided by RENATER. The total length of the optical links is approximately 100 km of cable.

The sites connected using the RUBIS network have pooled RENATER supervision and maintenance services.



The Paris-Saclay Campus gathers together research organisations, higher education institutions, competitive clusters and research and development centres in the south/south west sector of the Île-de-France region.

At the end of 2015, the University of Paris-Saclay, the Foundation for Scientific Cooperation and RENATER signed a partnership agreement for the construction of a digital network serving some 60 sites.

The passive infrastructure (dark optical fibre) is built and operated by the University of Paris-Saclay, which owns it. The UPSaclay access network active infrastructure (level 2 and 3 hardware) is created by RENATER, which monitors it, as well as providing operations, technical troubleshooting and incident resolution.



The ARPC (Association Réseau Poitou-Charentes) brings together all the SPIN Réseau (Shared Network Infrastructure Services) users.

This infrastructure was created in collaboration with RENATER by research institutions in order to connect their sites scattered over the region.

In 2017, RENATER and the universities of Poitiers and La Rochelle decided to work together to operate, maintain and monitor this regional collection network in Poitou-Charentes.

Brittany network

Eskemm Numérique provides the connectivity service to the regional broadband access network, the Eskemm Network. The latter, intended for the education-research community in Brittany, was thoroughly modernised in 2020.

Using the optical transport capacity provided by Mégalis Bretagne, the Eskemm Network uses hardware of which the technology has allowed the implementation of a high-performance, resilient service in the region. So this network also has a strong upgrade capacity.

Eskemm Network allows the transport of RENATER services (IP transit and value-added services) to beneficiary sites, but its technology now allows the activation of advanced features such as private inter-site broadband links.

The active hardware that materialises this network and carries the beneficiaries’ access interfaces, is operated and monitored RENATER.

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