- To provide baseline network infrastructure and innovating, high-quality, interoperable, mobile network services for Education and Research anywhere on French territory and on an international scale.
- To guarantee the security and interoperability of Education and Research exchanges transparently and in a trusted environment.
- To enrich the range of available services to contribute to Education and Research community players’ digital transformation.
- To make sure we are at the forefront of network innovation and technology in France and internationally.
RENATER, the State’s digital operator, meets the needs of the Education and Research community in terms of controlled and secure high-speed data transport by:
- Strengthening and increasing the network offer at the national and international levels, and improving access and connectivity for poorly equipped zones.
- Promoting its network assets.
- Developing the security and identity federation offer.
- Participating in the Research Education community (JRES, JRSSI, events and training, etc.).
- Developing the “à la carte” service, consulting and support for network, security, hosting and digital service innovation.
At the same time, changes in uses lead RENATER to strengthen infrastructure resilience and develop its service offer, by:
- Improving access resilience throughout the territory and including nomad use.
- Strengthening its position as a benchmark player in the publication of IS security and digital identity good practices.
- Developing the video conferencing service offer.
- Participating in European and international projects and actions (Open Science, GEANT, NREN* expertise, etc.).
The challenge for RENATER’s new strategic plan is also to include all the elements required for Digital Transformation, including collaborative services, data storage or hosting, by:
- Supporting access network reliability.
- Operating on demand access networks.
- Complementing its digital service offering and continuing the development of the PARTAGE collaborative suite in community mode.
- Offering storage services.
- Identifying hosting offers for Education and Research and listing them on a portal.